Monday, June 30, 2008

What is Ecdysterone?

So what are your goals? For some it is improving their athletic performance, burn away those love handles, build lean muscle tissue, and for others improving their overall health. We know that it does take working out to achieve our results though we want some help to make our results go faster.

You have probably heard about sport supplements like prohormones, creatine, protein powders, and vitamins. Each one of these products plays a vital role in improving an aspect of your health, fitness, or performance in some capacity. Especially, with all the attention from Congress and Major League Baseball, you have heard about steroids, and the negative side effects associated with them.

If you though you knew what supplements can do than you don't know anything now.

Ecdysterone is an exceptionally potent compound that has been researched and studied in clinical trials for some time. The best part of ecdysterone is that through all the research there hasn't been one negative side effect found. That is right zero negative side effects. Ecdysterone is rapidly becoming the supplement of choice for health enthusiast, fitness competitors, and bodybuilders.

What is Ecdysterone?

The technical name for ecdysterone is 20-hydroxyecdysterone with common names of ecdisten, ecdysone, isoinokosterone, and ecdysterone. It was first discovered with insects who require it for survival as part of their own growth hormone.

Ecdysterone doesn't come from insects; it comes from the herbs rhaponticum/ leuzeae and cyanotis vaga which are all natural. The biggest issue until now for ecdysterone is that their was no way to extract it into a usable and viable form. Now, with the latest in extraction technology, Scifit has found a way to extract it at a 97% standardization. This exceptionally high potency makes it possible now to get the health and muscle mass benefits for ecdysterone in a supplement.

There has been over 50 research studies on the effects of ecdysterone. Ecdysterone in clinical trials has been shown to improve almost every physiological function with producing any negative side effects. Within 10 days people have achieve muscle mass gains of 6-7%. That is right just 10 days. Not only that, subjects lower their body fat in those same ten days. Ecdysterone has become the perfect fat loss and muscle mass building supplement on the market.

SciFit's Ecdysterone 300 is the only ecdysterone supplement to be in an useable form. Ecdysterone has been demonstrated to increase muscle tissue by 6-7% in just 10 days.

Shop Live Lean Today offers the best prices and service on Bodybuilding Supplements, Superdrol NG, and more.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Online Aerobics, Burning Fat Conveniently

Aerobics online is fast becoming a very popular tool for exercising and getting in shape. It offers the opportunity to have professional guidance and programming combined with the convenience of working out on your time, and in your own home. Technology now allows for trainers and members to communicate to ensure the online aerobic fitness programs are executed correctly, consistently, and members can be held accountable for what they have done. Online Aerobic fitness can be accurately measured and monitored with a heart rate monitor. This tool provides specific feedback and allows you to communicate with your trainer about the program so you can reach your fitness goals.

In the past and still commonly done today, cardiovascular training is assessed by guessing intensity based on how you felt during a workout, and duration measured by time. This form of exercise while effective, still never truly allowed us to see the results of our efforts. Heart rate training, as a part of online aerobic fitness involves using a heart rate monitor to measure cardiac output, and the intensity and duration of your workout with specific data reports that can be charted to ensure progress.

Your heart rate is the measuring tool for cardiovascular training, and a heart rate monitor accurately records this data for every workout. Now imagine that you can transfer this data into a PC and email your results to a trainer. Now, no matter where you are, you and your trainer can communicate regarding your workouts, taking out all of the guess work. The result is measuring this specific data is improved cardiovascular fitness, endurance, stamina, rate of recovery and fat burning!

Online aerobic training plans can be specifically designed for individual needs. Those who want to lose weight can accurately measure their fat burning capability and optimize their results. Endurance athletes training for marathons and triathlons can improve race times and recovery. Athletes such as football players, soccer players and basketball players can maximize their VO2 capabilities and recovery so they will be the most well conditioned athletes on the field.

These online programs are designed by personal trainers and can be accessed through your own online account. Once your level of fitness is revealed and goals are established, online personal trainers can create cardiovascular conditioning programs for you to print or download into an IPOD. All you need to do then is execute!

Take the guesswork out of aerobic conditioning! Stop measuring your workouts by time and distance exclusively and start getting the results you want. Whether you are a sedentary beginner fitness enthusiast looking to lose weight, or an athlete wanting to get an extra inning out of your arm, you can find the right online program for you and optimize your results! is the home for online aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning programs. There you can find an extensive array of online fitness plans that will help you optimize your results with an efficient and effective program.

Find the latest probiotic, supplements, fitness, and diet information at

Friday, June 13, 2008

Make Your Car More "Green"

If you have been to the pump lately it might be your wallet that makes you want to go more "Green" with your car then before. As it relates to the environment automobiles account for 20% of all greenhouse gases emitted into the air. How ecological friendly you handle your car is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Still the only way to offset your carbon footprint is to plant trees. Listed below are the Top 10 things you can do to make your car more "Green."

1. Buy a Hybrid Car or Green Car

Yes, it doesn't take rocket science to understand that if you buy a more environment friendly car you have reduced your carbon footprint. Hybrids now come in sedans, SUV, and luxury vehicles. If buying a hybrid right now isn't in your budget choosing a car with excellent gas mileage is going to make a big difference.

2. How You Drive

You drastically increase the fuel you consume and the emissions your car gives off when you accelerate quickly and stop quickly. Driving the speed limit and more smooth as it relates to aggressive driving through the city will save on your gas bill. Also, the more you can take care of all your errands in one trip is better than many short trips to the store.

3. Keep Your Car in Shape

Regular tune ups of your car will keep your car producing less greenhouse gases, using less gas, and prevents future trouble. It is estimated that if every American's tires were properly inflated to the right level we would save 3 billion gallons of gas every year.

4. Offset Carbon Footprint

You can plant trees to offset the greenhouse gases you are emitting each year. Planting trees is the only way to offset your carbon footprint.

5. Carpool

If you have been on the freeway during rush hour you see all the commuters driving by themselves. Not only will you drastically lower your impact on the environment by carpooling you get to go in the carpool lane, as well.

6. You Don't Need a Car for Everything

For short trips you can take your bike or walk. With cars we don't even think about the other ways we can travel; we just hop in our cars and off we go. Many store items can easily be carried on a bike with a backpack. Also, you can get an electric scooter to get places faster.

7. Drive Half Way

For some trips walking or your bike isn't the complete answer. Driving your car and then getting on mass transit or driving your car and then parking to then go on your bike both work. Many times if you are going during rush hour, driving until the traffic gets thick and then going on your bike will get you there faster than sitting in the bumper to bumper traffic.

8. Use Less AC

Using a windshield protector can reduce how hot your car gets allowing you to use less air conditioner in the car. Turn your AC on low instead of high uses less gas. Don't forget to park in the shade to also keep your car cooler.

9. Use the Web

With the easy access to the web these days you can have video conferences, send email, and buy your products online. A video chat can be just as good as a face to face meeting without using gas and your car.

10. Go without a Car

For those that are willing to take it on it can be done. You would be surprised with a change in thinking how it is possible for some to go without a car. Using physical transportation like a bike and mass transit can get you around. Also, for those that want to it may be important to live closer to work or the stores you need or making your work day virtual so your home is your office.

Erase Carbon Footprint offers services to plant trees to reduce your carbon footprint.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cardio Threshold Training - Medium Intensity Days

The Plan: The threshold workout or medium intensity workout is the #1 workout that most cardio athletes and enthusiasts miss in their programs. The goal of the threshold workouts is to work at the max at which your aerobic metabolism produces energy. Because you have another energy source called your anaerobic metabolism, you have the ability to train harder or faster than a proper threshold workout. Most people thinking that they need to be killing themselves to be getting a good workout never slow down enough to train their body effectively.

Your aerobic metabolism is the way your body burns fat and carbs as energy with the use of oxygen. The only way to optimally perform in cardio or endurance races, as well as, achieve your weight loss goals is to train your aerobic metabolism to be as fast as it can. The perfect workout for weight loss, 5k training, and running a marathon.

How do we find the proper intensity to train at? The only way to know for sure that you are training at the right intensity is through having your own personal heart rate profile. With Live Lean Today's online fitness plans, you receive your own heart rate zones to optimize each workout. Most people not watching their heart rate are way off to what they think their heart rate is to what it actually is.

Threshold workouts range from 15-30 min. in total session time. With Live Lean Today, your online personal trainer will work with you to create the right program and progression for your threshold workouts. If you can go longer than 30 min than we need to go faster. What is important is highest rate of energy and heart rate that you can sustain for the entire threshold workout.

The Results: Threshold hold workouts train your body to burn more fat and carbohydrates as energy. This is another way of saying you have a faster metabolism. As it relates to performance, with threshold training you create a faster pace. Especially, if you have found that you can't seem to increase your running pace, threshold workouts are needed in your program.

After effective threshold workouts, the biggest difference you will instantly feel is how much faster you perform at lower heart rates. Your heart rate profile will change as you progress and improve. This is why it is so important for a cardio expert to be monitoring your progress and making adjustments. You now have the ability to run faster for the same distances and times that were once a struggle.

Your weight loss results occur while you are resting. If you have ever said you wanted a faster metabolism than threshold workout are for you. Your body will burn more calories of fat 24 hours a day 7 days a week after your body improves from threshold workouts.

The Difference: Live Lean Today is the only online personal trainer program to have precise heart rate training programs to optimize your results. Training in the right heart rate zone makes each workout as effective as it can be. The fastest way to your results is through proper heart rate training and progression.

Find the best online fitness trainers and LG Science products at